Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Get all the legal informations you need. The present agreement describes the availability guarantee of the Poli Systems service network. The guarantee applies to any customer of Poli Systems without any outstanding debt during the period of network unavailability.

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This Service Level Agreement (SLA) apply when you place an order.

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Poli Systems has as main objective to provide the content of the hosted site available (uptime) for access from anywhere in the world, anytime. The service downtime is defined as the loss of all Poli Systems plans from its backbone providers.

The goal of Poli Systems is to keep the average plan loss at 0.01% or less during a calendar month, as measured by the company. Downtime is measured after the notification by the customer via the ticketing system of Poli Systems about the inactivity, the moment of the interruption. If it is impossible to access the ticketing system, then a mail should be made to the support of Poli Systems. The System Administrators of Poli Systems will determine the end of downtime. If the average plan loss exceeds 0.01%, then Poli Systems will provide credit to the customer in the form of service subscription time, according to the following tables.

1.1 Website hosting, WordPress managed services
In case of:
a. availability less than 99.99% in the period of one calendar month, of the Webserver, the Database Server, the technological equipment or the infrastructure of the data center hosting your site, or
b. availability less than 99.99% of the network of the data center hosting your site, then Poli Systems will credit your hosting plan with free hosting time as follows:

Monthly operation | Credit
99.99% to 99.5% | Credit 5%
99.49% to 95% | Credit 50%
94.99% or less | Credit 100%

The credit applies if the customer submits the request within 48 hours from the time the problem occurred for unavailability of the service and within 5 days after the end of the month in which the problem occurred.

1.2 Dedicated Servers
For Dedicated Servers with provided SLA guarantee, in case of:
a. availability less than 99.9% in the period of one calendar month of the technological equipment, or the infrastructure of the data center hosting your server, or
b. availability less than 99.9% of the network of the data center hosting your server, then Poli Systems will provide retroactive credit equivalent to the difference between the guaranteed level of availability of the service provided in SLA class by the specific server during the month and the calculated level of service availability. The credits apply only to the size of the monthly amount paid as consideration of the services and do not involve any damage that may result from the non-availability. The credits are calculated according to the following table, measuring 24-hours a day in a calendar month, with the maximum credit not to exceed 50% of the monthly service charge for that month. In case of crash of any services such as the web server, this SLA isn’t applied as Poli Systems only assure 99.9% on the machines uptime.

Monthly operation | Credit
99.9% to 97% | Credit 5%
96.99% to 95% | Credit 25%
94.99% or less | Credit 50%

The credit applies if the customer submits the request within 48 hours from the time the problem occurred for unavailability of the service and within 5 days after the end of the month in which the problem occurred.

1.3 Cloud Hosting / VPS / VDS
For the Cloud Servers, if:
i. the Cloud Server is available less than 99.99%, or
ii. the network to the data center hosting your machine is available less than 99.99%, then Poli Systems will provide retroactive credit based on the following:
Credit 1% for every 0.03% less than 99,99% (VM availablity) or Credit 1% for every 0.03% less than 99,99% (Network availablity).

The credits are calculated measuring 24-hours a day in a calendar month, with the maximum credit not to exceed 20% of the monthly service charge for that month. Excluded from the non-operation times are the scheduled maintenance procedures of the data center.

The credit applies if the customer submits the request within 48 hours from the time the problem occurred for unavailability of the Cloud Server and within 5 days after the end of the month in which the problem occured.

If the customer requests an upgrade to the infrastructure of the Cloud Server, the maximum request execution time is 14 working days. Except if Poli Systems doesn’t have the required material in Stock, however Poli Systems needs to contact the customer in the 14 working days about it.

1.4 S3 hosting
In case of:
a. availability less than 99.99% in the period of one calendar month of the S3 Gateway, the technological equipment or the infrastructure of the data center hosting your data, or
b. availability less than 99.99%, of the network of the data center hosting your data, then Poli Systems will credit your s3 hosting plan with free hosting time as follows:

Monthly operation | Credit
99.99% to 99.9% | Credit 5%
99.89% to 99.5% | Credit 15%
99.49% to 95% | Credit 50%
94.99% or less | Credit 100%

The credit applies if the customer submits the request within 48 hours from the time the problem occurred for unavailability of the service and within 5 days after the end of the month in which the problem occurred.

1.5 Game hosting
In case of:
a. availability less than 99.99% in the period of one calendar month, of the game server, the technological equipment or the infrastructure of the data center hosting your game server, or
b. availability less than 99.99% of the network of the data center hosting your game server, then Poli Systems will credit your hosting plan with free hosting time as follows:

Monthly operation | Credit
99.99% to 99.5% | Credit 5%
99.49% to 95% | Credit 50%
94.99% or less | Credit 100%

The credit applies if the customer submits the request within 48 hours from the time the problem occurred for unavailability of the service and within 5 days after the end of the month in which the problem occurred.

The customer will not receive any credit for any failure, malfunction or unavailability of the website due to or associated with:
a. circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Poli Systems including, without limitation, governmental activities, war, insurrection, sabotage, armed conflict, blockade, fire, flood, strike or other labor disturbance, interruption of or delay in transportation, inaccessible or interruption or delay in telecommunications or third party services, virus attacks or hackers, failure of third party software (including, without limitation of ecommerce software, payment gateways, chat, statistics or free scripts) or inability to obtain raw materials, supplies, or the energy required for the use of appropriate equipment for the provision of this SLA.
b. Planned or emergency maintenance and improvement of the technological equipment of the company
c. Issues with DNS, FTP, POP, IMAP or SMTP client access
d. False reports of non-functioning of Poli Systems systems
e. Acts or omissions of the customer (or other acts or omissions committed or authorized by customer), including, without limitation, custom or coding (e.g., CGI, Perl, HTML, ASP, etc ... ), any negligence, willful misconduct, or use of services with violation of conditions of Poli Systems and the provisions of the acceptable use policy.
f. Delivery or transmission of email or webmail
g. Outages elsewhere on the Internet that hinder access to the Customer. Poli Systems is not responsible for their browsers or DNS which can make the appearance of the service to the Customer impossible. Further, Poli Systems is not responsible for problems arising because of the internet access quality of the provider chosen by the customer. Poli Systems will guarantee only those areas under its control, namely: the servers, routers and their connection to the Internet.
h. Problems with the credentials of the customer (forgot access, key, password, mail).

Poli Systems guarantees the operation of all rented / purchased material parts and shall replace any failed component without any financial burden on the customer. The replacement of the material will start once Poli Systems determines the cause of the problem. The replacement of the material is guaranteed to be complete within 7 days from the identification of the problem. If it takes more than 3 days to replace the defective material, Poli Systems will reimburse the customer the fee of one day per day that the system is not working (up to 100% of the monthly access fee of the customer). This guarantee excludes the time required to rebuild any RAID series.If Poli Systems material suppliers are not able to deliver the excepted materials in time the responsibility is pushed to them.

If you have any questions or comments about us, our Site, our Terms and/or this Policy, please contact us at:
Poli Systems
[email protected] or [email protected]

Or via a support ticket, you can contact our SLA manager at [email protected].

This document was updated in July 2024