
4.99 CHF
  • 2 CPU core
  • 2 GB of RAM
  • 25 GB storage + 25 GB of free Off-site backups
  • 1 MySQL database
  • Unlimited player slots
  • 1gb/s with no bandwidth limit
  • Easy mangement panel
    What is it?
  • Automatic setup ready in less than 2 minutes!
  • Choose any Factorio version from latest, experimental to custom like 0.18.10
    How does it work
  • Install any mods with no limit!
  • Discord and Ticket blazing fast support

Perfect for friends, we recommend taking 4 friends with you!

Fast Inserter

7.49 CHF
  • 2 CPU core
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 50 GB storage + 50 GB of free Off-site backups
  • 2 MySQL database
  • Unlimited player slots
  • 1gb/s with no bandwidth limit
  • Easy mangement panel
    What is it?
  • Automatic setup ready in less than 2 minutes!
  • Choose any Factorio version from latest, experimental to custom like 0.18.10
    How does it work
  • Install any mods with no limit!
  • Discord and Ticket blazing fast support

You start to add more mods and your maps start to be industrial? Try this plan!

Stack Inserter

14.89 CHF
  • 4 CPU core
  • 8 GB of RAM
  • 100 GB storage + 100 GB of free Off-site backups
  • 5 MySQL database
  • Unlimited player slots
  • 1gb/s with no bandwidth limit
  • Easy mangement panel
    What is it?
  • Automatic setup ready in less than 2 minutes!
  • Choose any Factorio version from latest, experimental to custom like 0.18.10
    How does it work
  • Install any mods with no limit!
  • Discord and Ticket blazing fast support

The factory must grow. Your factories start to be so big that your little pc can't keep it up anymore. Our servers will hold, but will you?