We need to perform a maintenance on one of the machines hosting the game servers : SBZ-UNT-GAME-DP-01
The affected systems are not accessible during the maintenance period.
We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
Français en dessous
[15.40] The maintenance finished
[15:20] The maintenance started
Dear Clients,
We are planning to upgrade the specifications of our game servers once again to provide you with an even better gaming experience.
This upgrade will be brief, and we plan to deploy the new hardware to every server on 27.09.2024, starting at 15:20. You can expect about 30 minutes of downtime for your services.
This will allow us to shut down the servers, add the new components, and boot them back up. Please note that there will be no IP change this time, as we are upgrading the same machines even further than initially planned.
We are pleased to see that our game servers are gaining success, and we plan to expand our capacity to accommodate even more customers.
Once the upgrade is complete, we will post an update here.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
[15:40] La maintenance est terminée
[15:20] La maintenance à démarré
Chers clients,
Nous prévoyons une nouvelle fois d’améliorer les spécifications de nos serveurs de jeu afin de vous offrir une expérience de jeu encore meilleure.
Cette mise à niveau sera brève, et nous prévoyons de déployer le nouveau matériel sur chaque serveur le 27.09.2024 à partir de 15h20. Vous pouvez prévoir environ 30 minutes d'interruption de service.
Cela nous permettra d’arrêter les serveurs, d’ajouter les nouveaux composants et de les redémarrer. Veuillez noter qu’il n’y aura pas de changement d’adresse IP cette fois-ci, car nous améliorons les mêmes machines au-delà de ce qui était initialement prévu.
Nous sommes ravis de constater le succès de nos serveurs de jeu, et nous prévoyons d’augmenter notre capacité pour accueillir encore plus de clients.
Une fois la mise à niveau terminée, nous publierons une mise à jour ici.
Merci pour votre compréhension et votre soutien continu.
Our website and manager are down.
The issue was resolved, there was some issue on the node hosting our internal sites.
Note that all the other services weren't impacted, only the billing interface and the manager.
Migration Finished
Migration Terminée
Français en dessous
Dear Clients,
We are excited to inform you that we will be migrating our game servers to new and more powerful nodes. This migration is scheduled to begin on June 21st at 22:00 CEST.
The migration process will take only a few minutes per game server, so you can expect about 15 minutes of downtime for your server, depending on the volume of data. The new servers will feature faster CPUs, SSDs, and RAM, resulting in a significant improvement in performance for our current game server customers.
If you need any assistance or have questions, please open a support ticket.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Chers clients,
Français en dessous, English below
During this timeframe we will apply updates to our billing system. You may experience short interuptions on the billing system, however note that no service will be impacted. Only the billing interface will have some updates.
The update has been done, you can now profit of new freatures on the VPS mangement system.
Pendant cette période, nous appliquerons des mises à jour à notre système de facturation. Il se peut que vous subissiez de brèves interruptions dans le système de facturation, mais aucun service ne sera affecté. Seule l'interface de facturation sera mise à jour.
La mise à jour a été faite, vous pouvez maintenant bénéficier de nouvelles fonctionnalités sur le système de gestion des VPS.
Our monitoring server recently alerted us that one of our web servers is currently down.
We are working closely with our on-site team to restore it as soon as possible.
UPDATE 8:29 :
The websites are accessible again, we are still checking what happened.
UPDATE 9:03 :
Our engineers will monitor the server closely, it looks like it was bound to a kernel bug.
Our team fixed the issue and will continue to monitor this machine closely.
The on-perm staff is also ready if it occurs again.
This issue has been resolved, it was due to some issues with the cache of our game panel.
We thank you for your patience.
We are aware of some SSO login issues with our game panel (game.polisystems.ch).
Our team is currently investigating the problem with our partner for the game panel.
We hope to have this resolved tomorrow in the night.
We will update this post once we get an update from them, for now please use the normal login and press "Struggling to login" if you don't remember your password.
The log4j issue on Apache can't be exploited on our machines because we use nginx directly as a reverse proxy and apache is accessible only locally.
We also don't have any java applications in our infrastructure except minecraft. For security reasons apache was still patched.